Evolution Lab Guide for Educators

Everywhere you go on this planet—on land, underground, in the air, and in the water—you’ll find life that has been shaped by evolution. In NOVA’s Evolution Lab, students will explore the evidence of evolution through the lens of phylogeny.

The Evolution Lab contains two main parts:

Students will complete the Evolution Lab with an understanding of how to build phylogenetic trees and the evidence for evolution. The Evolution Lab is best used as an introduction to an evolution unit. Students should possess prerequisite knowledge of the structure of DNA in order to complete several of the missions.

Time Allotment

1.5 hours for Build A Tree game; 4 hours for entire Evolution Lab lesson plan with worksheets.

The Evolution Lab is designed to be implemented in a teaching unit over the course of several class sessions. Teachers should allot about 3 hours to complete both the game and the worksheets. The missions must be completed in chronological order.

NOTE: The Deep Tree is an open-ended activity with no time commitment.

Grade Level

Standards Alignment Guide

The Evolution Lab reinforces core life sciences ideas in the Next Generation Science Standards. To see how the Evolution Lab can be used to meet course objectives, download our standards alignment document below:

Support Guide

Below is a support guide for the Evolution Lab that includes an overview of technology requirements and instructions for playing through Build A Tree and navigating Deep Tree.


These worksheets contain questions for each level and video of the Evolution Lab and provide assessment on topics like cladograms, fossil evidence of evolution, DNA and genetics, biogeography, applications of phylogeny to health, and human evolution. The worksheets are divided into missions and are designed to be completed while playing through the game. The worksheets feature multiple choice questions, short response questions, and cladogram drawings.

Content Objectives

Process Objectives


Students are encouraged to login via a PBS, Gmail, or Facebook account in order to save their progress. Students can quickly create a PBS account using their email address and a password

Alternatively, students can also use PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or other digital presentation software for the lesson plan activity.

Multimedia Resources

The Evolution Lab includes seven short animated videos that introduce the missions and explore the evidence for evolution:

Lesson Plan

This lesson plan was written in the 5-E format, a lesson plan model for guided inquiry in science classrooms.

Engage (15 min): Introductory activity that poses a question or calls upon prior knowledge

Before launching the Evolution Lab, present students with a selection of seven widely different species, including a plant, a fungus, two mammals, a reptile, a bird, and a dinosaur. Choose these species from the “Species” tab in Deep Tree. Instruct students to independently answer these questions:

Encourage students to share their responses in a group discussion.

Prompt students to think about how we organize the biodiversity that exists on Earth and how we make connections between all the species that have ever lived on Earth. Show the following video:

Explore (60-90 minutes minimum): Students explore a hypothesis and collect data

Instruct students to complete the six missions of the Build A Tree game. Inform students that they will explore the evidence for evolution and how we can use phylogeny to understand the relationships between species.